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Volunteering From Abroad


First of all we should like thank you for taking the time to look at this information and hope to welcome you soon into the RIS family.


We love having volunteers from abroad as we value their different perspective and the students enjoy having the opportunity to talk to people with foreign backgrounds.


There are many different ways you can volunteer with us:




Your skills and expertise are invaluable to us. Teaching English to the younger students, playing new and different games and singing new songs is always welcome.


Other Subjects? Just let us know what you can teach and together we will find a way to get you involved. Please email us at .................. with your ideas and skills


Administrative Skills


Are you or have you been a Marketing, PR, IT or Fundraising expert? Could you help us in any of these areas? Could you write proposals for sponsorship? Support our Parents Groups?  Help with marketing the school or getting us some great PR coverage? All these areas are vital to the development of the school. We are a non-profit , although fee paying, school and in accordance with our mission  -- to offer an English medium education and make it possible for as many students as possible -  we are always in need of funding as we receive no Government funding or subsidies.


Email us at


tell us how you would like to help and together we will find a way to get you involved. We are always open to new ideas!


OUR Volunteer Guidelines


tell us how you would like to help and together we will find a way to get you involved. We are always open to new ideas!


Some guidelines on how to get the most out of volunteering with RIS.


If at any time you are unhappy or uncomfortable, please don't wait until the end of your stay to tell us, we cannot put it right then. We want you to enjoy your time in Sri Lanka and at RIS.


  • Don't be put off by "No." and "It can't be done." with persistence, determination and tactfully finding a way through the situation, it will more often than not happen somehow!

  • Being open, empathetic and patient will make your stay more fulfilling.

  • Other great qualities are being practical, adaptable, resourceful, reliable and being proactive - we are always open to new and fresh ideas.

  • Show initiative but accept input from others - they often know how things work, it may not be as straightforward as you may think.

  • Don't be deterred when things are not straightforward - most things will, with patience and persistence, work out.

  • Be culturally aware - life and customs are different here, please respect them.

  • Planning before you arrive is a good idea but be prepared to make changes if necessary.

  • Give us feedback about your time at RIS, it helps us to retain what you have so willingly shared and make sure we always do our best to maintain high standards for welcoming volunteers.


What to wear


Sri Lanka is a more traditional country than you are probably used to so please respect the dress codes here.


Women - Shirts and T shirts - no strappy tops please, trousers, skirts and dresses that cover the shoulders. Female staff at RIS wear sarees and by all means do so if you wish - someone will be happy to show you how to drape one either Kandyan (the Sri Lankan way) or Indian style.


Men - trousers and a shirt is the norm at RIS with shoes and socks, not trainers.


Everyone should remove their shoes whenever they enter a religious area.


At the School

  • Always consult the Principal/Vice Principal or Co-ordinator at whichever campus you are working before arranging anything, don't do it independently.

  • Punctuality and reliability is considered extremely important. If you will be arriving later, or not at all, please advise the volunteer coordinator/school reception in good time.

  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school premises

  • If you wouldn't do it in your own home country then please don't do it here

  • When in doubt - ASK - we are here to make your stay as pleasant and productive as possible.


What to bring with you

  • 2 photocopies of your passport in case you lose the original - it helps sort the problem out faster. Copies of your travel/medical insurance

  • Mobile phone/laptop etc with chargers. Sri Lankan SIM cards and data sticks can be arranged. There is Wifi at the school but it is not readily available elsewhere in Kurunegala

  • Torch and spare batteries

  • Mosquito repellent, alarm clock, a first aid kit and any medication you usually take

  • Camera with plenty of memory/film

  • A waterproof and a sweater or jacket as it can get much cooler at night especially in the Hill Country.


If you follow these simple guidelines, it will make your life a great deal easier and you will have a more beneficial stay in Sri Lanka.


Volunteering FAQ'S

What Can I Do?

There are many ways you can help us and teaching is only one. We appreciate support from business professionals either taking a career break or retired.

We have students from 3+ up to Grade 12 - if you like working with small children you may like to work in our First Steps or Nursery Schools, the Junior School - up to Grade 5 or the Secondary School from Grades 6-12.

We welcome people with business/professional skills such as IT, marketing, fundraising and PR. RIS is a non-profit social enterprise and receives no government funding, with the modest fees we charge (to enable students from many backgrounds to attend an English medium school) we do need to raise funds - especially as we are always striving to offer our students more and better facilities.

For How Long Can I Volunteer?

Anything from 2 weeks upwards please discuss with the Volunteer Co-ordinator what time you can spend with us.

When Can I Volunteer?

It is possible most times of the year except from mid December to early January and  April as the school is closed during those times. It may be possible to be here during those times depending on the type of project you are working on, please ask and we can see what may be possible.

How Old Should I Be?

You should be at least 18, the common age of majority in many countries. We encourage older volunteers who are either taking a career break or have retired as they have a wealth of experience to share with us and our students.

Where Will I Stay?

You will either stay at the school hostel or in a home stay and be provided with 3 meals a day


You will have an induction session when you arrive covering what and where your role will be, a timetable (if applicable) and discuss any queries you may have.

Health and Safety

For your health and safety we request that you sign in and out of school every day and tell the volunteer co-ordinator your general plans when not in school.

If you are unwell at any time please advise us and we can arrange for you to get the appropriate treatment

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