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Pre-school facilities


The RIS preschool boasts several facilities geared at stimulating the young mind at a very crucial stage of their education.


Computer Lab


Given that we are in the information age, we at RIS believe that it is very important for children to be exposed as early as possible to technology. We teach the little ones the basic fundamentals of how to use a computer, thereby preparing them for life in the Information Age.


Play Area


Kids just want to have fun! Having fun is a very important part of the learning process and we ensure that your child will have time spent outside of their respective class areas. We also have a sandpit where children can merrily wile away hours; though we do strive to ensure that these hours will be additional help in the development of their social skills.


Audio-Visual Facilities


We at RIS believe in modern methods of teaching. Young children nowadays respond better to audio and visual aids and we at the pre-school strive to 'tread upon the road less taken' when it comes to preparing your child for a fulfilling future.


Padding Pool


The pre-school also has access to a padding pool. Kids can play with water, imitate swimmers and also occasionally fish, all under the watchful eye of our dedicated staff.




  • Children at our pre-school will also be introduced to dance and music. The basic steps of the Kandyan and Bharata Natyam dancing and ballet will be taught. We also encourage free-style dancing! In our music lessons, the basic notes will be taught along with a few chosen musical instruments. We believe music and dance can play a strong role in a child's development.

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