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Welcome to the RIS Pre-Primary page! This is where your child starts the most important journey in his or her life and we are very keen to help your child with their first steps towards a very successful future.


We at RIS believe that every child is unique and will do our utmost to identify and acknowledge their individual talent while providing a supportive and caring environment in which they can face those areas they may find challenging.


We at the RIS pre-primary look forward to working with you and our well qualified staff will put in countless hours to deliver the very best to your child.


The RIS Pre-Primary Play Group


We have our very own Play Group for those children aged 2 and above! This is when your child first leaves home and begins to learn social skills and make friends. The emphasis is on learning through play and group activities like singing and dancing together as well as the beginning of academics - ABC and so on - again through games and other fun activities.


The RIS Pre-Primary First Steps


This is where your child begins to take his very first steps into education, usually at 3 years old.


At First Steps, we have a well-resourced school where your child is taught using Montessori principles - the emphasis being on the child's independence, freedom within limits, and respect for the child's natural development. The school culture is based on encouraging each child to be their best and is multicultural. We celebrate all religious festivals with the, children giving them the opportunity to understand different life choices.


The RIS Pre-Primary First Steps provides a resource room where the children learn by playing, taking part in such activities as pouring water, being able to fasten buttons/zips, tie shoelaces and bows. They play games learning about size, length, texture, and much more, with a subtle emphasis on letters, number, shapes etc. They are learning basic life skills such as hand to eye co-ordination, about different textures, sizes and sharing all of which we often take for granted but they need to learn and practice.


Your child also has access to an IT Room where they are introduced to computers and technology where they take part in fun activities such as using letters, numbers, colours and shapes. These sessions are always fun and full of interesting things for the children to take part in. We also have a TV room which provides endless ways for the children to discover new skills.


When the children are in their classes, there is a different theme/topic each month on which their work is focused. They learn to sing songs, dance, create artwork, they have talking time, show and tell and practice letters and numbers.


First Steps has 9 classes and they take it in turn to host the Monday morning Assembly where the teachers help the children show their talents and skills - sometimes by singing, dancing or talking about the special interest they have.

Our teachers are dedicated and loving, making the children feel comfortable and enjoy being at school whilst engaging their minds and encouraging their natural love of learning and curiosity. We encourage the children to begin to take on responsibilities and practice leadership in small ways. Leadership skills are qualities they, and the wider community, will benefit from for the rest of their lives.


The RIS Pre-Primary Kindergarten


This is when your child goes through Lower Kindergarten and Upper Kindergarten, aged between 4 and 6.  


While our previous two stages of the Pre-Primary School have prepared your child to begin a more academic style of education, there is still an emphasis on learning through play in the RIS LKG and UKG. This child-centred style of teaching focuses on each child's needs, giving them the space to develop their natural skills and talents, interests and learning style.


We have a water area where the children learn to swim (weather and water supply permitting), a Computer Room, TV room, Library and Resource area, a Music and Dance area and PE facilities. We also have a sand pit, play area, a reading hut and a sick room. Please follow this link to our Pre-Primary Facilities.


Annually we have many events from Independence Day to Sports Meets, Graduation and much more. In addition, we also hold Special Programmes for our children!

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