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RIS Primary Syllabus


Topic and General Knowledge


Each Grade is assigned a Topic/Theme, the students are encouraged to seek out information to support the topic/theme. This also has the benefit of allowing them to gain greater General Knowledge, using the Internet, reference/subject books and encyclopedia - basic skills for building their knowledge base. These skills last a lifetime and Primary students are at the life stage where they are ready and eager to absorb knowledge.




Primary students study English Grammar, Comprehension, Creative Writing, Spelling (Writing and Dictation), Speech and Phonics. As English is 'the world language' it is vital for their future as it opens up life and employment opportunities - it opens the door to the world.


Mathematics and Mental Arithmetic


Science and Environmental Studies


Building on the teaching from the Nursery level students begin to take a more academic approach to their Science and Environmental studies but still with many practical sessions to engage their natural curiosity and interest and allow them to experiment.




Sinhala and Tamil

Students are now more proficient in these languages and more emphasis is placed on grammar, comprehension and speech practice.




Sri Lanka is a multi-faith country and our students study Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism giving them the opportunity to understand how others worship and the beliefs they hold. We believe this allows them to become more tolerant of difference - a great life lesson reflecting the Core Values of the school - equal care, and being committed to unity.


Information Technology


Primary students are ready to move forward in the IT field. Lessons are still fun and activity based encouraging the students to become more dexterous and begin to understand how 'new technologies' impact their lives. They have many opportunities to investigate and seek out information about other subjects they are studying including their Topic work..


Dancing, Music and Art


Our students love these lessons as they have the freedom to express their creativity. Aesthetics are an important part of a rounded lifestyle


Physical Education


At RIS we recognise that children need to 'get physical' in their PE lessons they get the chance to do just that in a structured way allowing them to use up some of their boundless energy.

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