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The Beginning

Back in 1991, RIS had its origins in an initiative to establish an English medium school in Kurunegala; driven by a vision to provide an international education for the children of the North Western province; passionately believing it to be the most comprehensive and relevant form of education. However, they did not want to lose the Sri Lankan influence; therefore the school is a fluid blend of both a national and international experience.


At RIS the teachers and parents are partners working together to create an environment where students thrive and grow into well-rounded members of their communities with their own unique style.


RIS is run and managed as a social enterprise - all funds are used to support student education, teachers, staff and the maintenance of our buildings, equipment and vehicles. We endeavour to keep the fees reasonable to ensure as many families as possible can make the choice of an RIS education for their children. We were the first private school in the North Western Province.

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