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Grades 6-13


It is with heartfelt pleasure that we welcome you to the RIS Secondary School where we continue our journey to nurture your child in a supportive yet demanding climate in order to raise responsible, confident and well-rounded young men and women.


We will strive to provide a balanced and holistic education and continue to facilitate participation in all activities creative and sporting in addition to our academic curriculum.


The Secondary School student population ranges from 12 to 18 with the children coming from diverse backgrounds creating a very multi-cultural environment and atmosphere.


The Secondary School follows both the Government and UK based Edexcel syllabuses. It is an Edexcel Examination Centre overseen by the British Council. Students are taught by graduate and retired Government teachers with vast experience.


We hold an examination to determine whether students are suited to the Edexcel syllabus which starts from Grade 9. We offer our students the option of choosing either Science, Commerce or Maths.


Students taking the A level examinations (Grade 12 and 13) choose a minimum of 3 subjects - we encourage taking a foreign language and IT.


Following the end of term exams, we hold a Parent-Teacher conference to discuss your child's progress and any concerns either you or the school may have. We believe parental involvement is an important part of a student's education; learning does not only happen during school hours and supervision and support from home are vital ingredients to your child's success. Parents are always welcome to make an appointment with either the Principal or Class teacher to discuss any concerns they may have.


Please follow this link to access our academic syllabus.


If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us!


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