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Volunteer With RIS




Royal International School Kurunegala was started by two people who volunteered to set up a different kind of school offering a different style of education and from those small beginnings it is now a thriving place where almost 2,200 students are having a different style education that will fit them to take their place in the global world.


When you choose to volunteer with RIS, you become part of a tight knit community dedicated to working for better education and facilities for our students.


We hope you will want to join us as it will not only open your world, but ensure a brighter future for generations to come.


How can you get involved?


Join one of our fundraising groups and share your unique skills and talent with us. Your knowledge, dedication and expertise will be a major bonus for us.


As part of a fundraising group you can organise events such As :


  • Festival themed events

  • Exhibitions and performances

  • Coffee mornings/meets

  • Sponsored events

  • Quiz nights

  • Much, much more, just use your imagination, there are no limits to the ideas you could come up with!


What skills will I need?


  • Willingness

  • Be reasonably organised

  • Be able to work well in a team


How much time?


It's up to you how much time you can offer us - anything from help with one event to helping us in a specialised way e.g. Are you good at Marketing, PR, or Accounts our Parents groups always need support with type of expertise.

We will be happy and very grateful to have you on board supporting our school and vision in whatever way you can.



More Questions?


Question not answered? Please email our Volunteer Co-ordinator/designated person who will be happy to answer your questions


Become an RIS Ambassador


What is an Ambassador - a dictionary definition is - 'an authorised official or representative'

Being an RIS Ambassador means you will explain to any interested parties - sponsors, potential new students and their families etc how we run the school, what to expect of an education at RIS and many other aspects of school life at RIS.


How can I get involved?


  • Giving out information

  • Recruiting new supporters and volunteers

  • Maybe giving talks and presentations about RIS to groups that might be interested in supporting the school in some way e.g. sponsorship

  • Seeking out new fundraising opportunities


What skills will I need?


Good communication skills, initiative and enthusiasm for RIS and what difference it is making in the lives of the students, their families and their communities. Training will be given to equip you with all the information you need.


How much time will I have to give?


Being an Ambassador for RIS means that whenever you have the opportunity to promote the school and its activities you do so in a positive and enthusiastic way.


Being an RIS Ambassador is a very flexible role.

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