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Primary School Facilities


Our Primary School also boasts several facilities as we aim to provide your children with all they deserve and to provide a holistic education.


Music Rooms


The RIS Primary has two separate music rooms; one for children in Grades 1, 2 and 3 music lessons and another for Grade 4 and 5. The children will have access to several musical instruments.


Dancing Rooms


Two separate dancing rooms are also provided for with children from Grades 1, 2 and 3 in one room and Grades 4 and 5 in the other.


Computer Rooms


As with our Music and Dancing facilities, children at the RIS Primary will have access to two computer rooms with the younger children from Grades 1, 2 and 3 continuing their interaction with technology in one separate room and Grades 4 and 5 having access to their own separate room.


Art Rooms


Two separate Art Rooms where the children from their respective grades are allowed to express themselves in the form of art. We have no furniture in either one of these rooms, children sit on comfy mats and then we guide and watch them become engrossed in their own imaginative creations!


Math Lab


We believe that having a good grasp of mathematics is key in a child's education and have therefore specially set aside a separate area where mathematical lessons are demonstrated in a creative manner. We try to put the fun back in math!


Television Room


Children at RIS Primary will also have access to a Television Room where they will be shown educational films, in the process broadening their horizons and providing them with a hiatus from normal classroom activity. Of course, children can spend after-school hours watching funny and entertaining movies too.


Reading Hut


We believe that reading is essential to a wholesome education and therefore, children at the RIS Primary will be able to sit and read in peace in our reading hut. This area also doubles up as outdoor classroom and has become a popular waiting point for children after school hours.


Book Shop


There will also be a Bookshop within the school premises. Children will have access to all stationary items. Uniforms will also be made available if required.


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